10 Things You Never Knew Had Names
Learning Credits : http://www.lifehacker.co.in/jugaad/10-Things-You-Never-Knew-Had-Names/articleshow/45650443.cms 10 Things You Never Knew Had Names Nandini Sharma Dec 26, 2014, 04.59 PM IST Language is, no doubt, an amazing way to express what you feel. However, for some of us, this has been limited to some words that we use in daily lives. However, have you given a thought about things that seemingly have no name? Like, the smell of wet land after rain. But how can something not have a name, right? A few months back, we had given you this list of words you never knew existed . Now, taking ahead that list, given below are 10 things you probably didn't know had names. 1. Did you know that there is a name for the first cry of a newborn? It's called vagitus . 2. Did you know the name of the pea-sized dab you apply on your toothbrush? It's called nurdle . 3. Did you know that there is a name for the prongs on a fork? They are called tines . 4...