6 Basic Parenting Tips For New Born Babies

6 Basic Parenting Tips For New Born Babies

Manisha Goel
Dec 16, 2013, 08.26 PM IST
You have survived thorough 9 months of pregnancy and have made it to labor pain and delivery. So, the new excitement of life is in front of you. It's the time to head home with your new born baby to begin a new life.
Once you are home, you frantically realize that you have no idea what you are doing or what you have to do next.

Brushing up on these tips can help first-time parents feel confident about caring for a newborn in no time.

1. Getting a help after birth:
Consider getting some help from your family member or a friend after delivering the baby. You can also recruit a nurse for few months to take care of your baby. A nurse could be a great resource to show you how to hold, burp, change and care of your baby. She can also give you simple consultation about feeding the baby too. In addition, family members and friends often want to help so take benefits of their experience too.

Now a days there are a lot of bureaus in India that provide you domestic help as well as nurses. It is easier to get help through that. However, don't forget to get a police verification done for these helps.

2. Handling the new born baby:
If you have not spent much time with new born babies then their fragility may be intimidating you. Here are few basics to remember:
  • Wash your hands first: Newborns do not have a strong immunity and hence they are susceptible to infection. Make sure that everyone who handles the baby also has clean hands.
  • Be careful to support head and neck: Support the head of the baby when you are holding him/ her upright or when you lay him or her down.
  • Be careful to not to shake the baby: Shaking that is vigorous can cause bleeding in the brain and even death. If you need to wake your infant, don't do it by shaking - instead, tickle your baby's feet or blow gently on a cheek.
3. Bonding with your baby:
For infants, the attachment contributes to their emotional growth, which also affects their development in other areas, such as physical and emotional growth. Begin bonding with your baby by doing little cradling and gentle stroking in different patterns. Give a gentle massage as it helps in physical development of the baby.

4. Changing the diapers:
A baby dirties the diaper about 10 times in a day. So, it is going to be a hectic task for you to change the diaper every time. However, you do not need to do it every time if it is only wet and there is no poop. A good quality diaper can reduce the time of changing it. Before beginning the process of changing the diaper make sure that you have all the supplies within your reach. You need:
  • A clean diaper
  • Fasteners (if you are using the pre-fold diaper)
  • Ointment (if baby has a rash)
  • Warm water in container
  • Clean washcloth or wipes.
Take help of the nurse or an elder person in your family to learn the technique of changing the diaper. Also, after removing the dirty diaper make sure you pat dry the baby's skin or use a cream or petroleum jelly. It prevents the rash in the bottom area.
5. Bathing basics:
You should give only sponge bath to your baby until 4 weeks. Give him or her bath two or three times in a week and not daily in the first year is sufficient. Frequent bathing may cause skin dryness. For sponge bath use a soft clean washcloth or sponge, unscented soap and shampoo, warm water (and not hot water) and soft clean towel or blanket. Take help from nurse to consultant before giving the first bath yourself to the baby.

6. Lay down your baby on tummy:
Babies spend most of their time on back - in their stroller, crib, and under any activity arch. So, it is incredibly important to put your baby on tummy. Through their little chubby legs and arms are not built for push-ups but there are some motor skills that are encouraged only while your baby is on his or her stomach. Keep it brief for 5 minutes once daily in the beginning. Later you can increase the time gradually to 10 min and so on. Also, do not leave your baby alone during the tummy time.

Photo by: WFJ (flickr)


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